Thanks to our benefactors, the charitable foundation Kids Need Help e. V., and
personally Manuel DIECHTIEROW, Bernd BUCHARDT, Marta DRAPIATA, and their
support, the National Children Specialized Hospital "Ohmatdyt" has acquired a new operating table specifically designed for the unique thoracic surgery department.

The charitable foundation "Ohmatdyt - healthy childhood" has provided modern
medical equipment, specifically an operating table, to the National Children Specialized Hospital "Ohmatdyt". This has accelerated the launch of the unique thoracic department in terms of its functionality and scale in the country. The new department at the National Children Specialized Hospital "Ohmatdyt" provides diagnostic and treatment services for children with congenital and acquired pathologies of the chest organs on an urgent and planned basis.
Head of the department, Oleksandr METLENKO, says: "Our department is only a year old, so the acquisition of the appropriate equipment is extremely important, among which the surgical table takes one of the main places. Specifically provided medical equipment will be used for diagnosis and surgical procedures on patients at the National Children's Specialized Hospital "Ohmatdyt".

The doctors are grateful to the benefactors, thanks to whom the opening of a new department became possible. The charitable foundation "Ohmatdyt - healthy childhood" continues to work and plans to raise funds for another surgical table for the maxillofacial surgery department. Thank you to the charitable foundation Kids Need Help e. V., and personally Manuel DIECHTIEROW, Bernd BUCHARDT, Marta DRAPIATA for their financial support, which made this possible!
Glory to Ukraine!