Matviy DASHENKO (November 30, 2008) has a difficult diagnosis: Spina Bifida, neuromuscular scoliosis, postoperative hydrocephalus, lower paresis, grade 6 neuromuscular thoracolumbar scoliosis, condition after corrective osteotomy!
Doctor treating the patient: Mykolay DOLYANYTSKYI.
Matviy, despite his diagnosis, studies excellently at the specialized school "Nadia".
As of now, Matviy's family needs financial assistance to purchase a structure for surgical treatment of the spine, the cost of this system is UAH 265,800.
Link to the monobank of the fund - collection for Matviy:

Matviy's story is not simple, and at the age of 14, the boy went through many difficult trials!
It all started even before his birth, when Matviy's mother was 7 months pregnant when she was diagnosed with the rare orphan disease Spina Bifida at the PAG. The doctors did not give him a chance for life, but the parents decided that they would fight for their son!
After childbirth, when Matviy was born, he never started breathing, and was transferred to the intensive care unit on an artificial respiration machine.
On the fifth day, when the decision was made to disconnect him from life support devices, due to the lack of independent breathing, to the surprise of the doctors, he began to breathe on his own!
After that, Matviy underwent two complex operations at the Institute of Neurosurgery to install a shunt and plastic surgery at the site of a spinal hernia. After rehabilitation and discharge at the age of 3 months, the boy was recommended a foot massage, but the limb was destroyed during the first procedure.
This is how Matviy finds himself in the NCSH "Ohmatdyt" for the first time, and after two years there, he is subjected to a repeat operation at the site of a spinal hernia, to eliminate fixation of the spinal cord. Thanks to this, Matviy starts to talk and crawl on his own.
But at the age of 3, a severe illness and high fever caused a severe course of the disease, which provoked Matviy into a coma, in which the child remained for a whole week.
At the age of 12, the boy was taken to Kharkiv for the 2nd operation, to eliminate the congenital dislocation of the hip on both legs, so that Matviy could bend his legs.
The doctors of the NCSH "Ohmatdyt" planned to perform spinal surgery in the spring of 2022, but a full-scale invasion prevented the treatment of the child, as well as many other patients in Ukraine! During this time, while Matviy was waiting for the operation, the condition of his spine significantly worsened, the family urgently requested help from NCSH "Ohmatdyt".
Despite the military operations taking place near Kyiv at that time, on April 11, 2022, doctors performed the first operation to install a "crown" so that Matviy could sit with the help of a specialized gurney chair.

The second operation, which Matviy and his family are so looking forward to, should take place in the near future, as soon as it is possible to collect the necessary funds, which will be used to purchase a system for installation on the spine!
Matviy's father was in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine all this time, and defended Ukraine! But given the serious condition of his son, he was forced to retire to the officer reserve, to support and help his wife and son!
«In order to help my wife at this time, and first of all at the request of my son, I resigned due to family circumstances to the officer reserve of the Armed Forces of Ukraine," says Andriy DASHCHENKO, the boy's father.

As of now, Matviy's family needs financial assistance to purchase a structure for surgical treatment on the spine, the cost of this system is UAH 265,800.
Link to the monobank of the fund - collection for Matviy:
Glory to Ukraine!