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Volunteer assistance is a necessary component of supporting Ukraine in this difficult time. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, international support for the largest children's hospital in Ukraine, Ohmatdyt, has become one of the key factors in the successful functioning of the hospital. Thanks to our partners in Ukraine and abroad, the Ohmatdyt was able to provide medical care to the wounded and emergency patients at the most critical moments.

Thanks to the efforts of the respected Robert Jonson and Martin Galbut, as well as the charitable non-profit organization United Help Ukraine (, and with the support of the charitable foundation "Ohmatdyt - is Healthy Childhood" (, a charity online auction was held, the platform for which was kindly provided by Bidsquare ( More than three dozen world artists, namely: Ava Liberace, Cheryl St John, Cindi Berry, David Leffel, David Riedel, Frances Ianarella, Gavin Glakas, Gloria Perkins, Ilene Silberstein, Jeff Horne, Judy Kudlow, Katherine Ann Hartley, Li Volk, Lina Liberace, Lois Babb, Lola Panco, Martin Galbut, Mary Braithwaite Price, Michael Obermeyer, Michael Sparber, Nancy Chaboun, Nancy Guzik, Olga Tislina, Patrick McKee, Ray Kaskey, Robert Johnson, Robert Liberace, Ron Rencher, Scott Burdick, Sherrie McGraw, Stephanie Birdsall, Steve Talley, Sue Lyon, Virginia Johnson and Wei Tai provided their works for free for a charity auction in support of the children's hospital Ohmatdyt. This is an example of how art can counteract war. Thanks to the international art project American Artists for Ukraine, Ohmatdyt Hospital ( received financial assistance that will be used to purchase the necessary medical equipment that will help save even more patients and provide world-class medical care.

I personally thank Robert Johnson, Martin Galbut, Bidsquare, United Help Ukraine and all the artists who took part in the project,” added Volodymyr Zhovnir, General Director of the NCSH Ohmatdyt.

Since the beginning of the war, the National Children's Specialized Hospital "Ohmatdyt" has become a hospital for both children and adults. Work in the conditions of martial law did not stop for a minute. Even when there were active hostilities on the outskirts of Kyiv and there was shelling around the hospital.

During this time, dozens of patients with injuries received as a result of the war were treated in Ohmatdyt: these are gunshot, mine-explosive, shrapnel wounds, and contusions. The youngest injured patient was 1 month old, the oldest was 83 years old.

"International aid allows us to provide specialized assistance to everyone who needs it!"



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